Went to school quite early today to do the HRM project. Sian... PBL is useful but it's so difficult. Hmm... manage to remember more names of my classmates.lol... after project I went to meet up with Gurwin. Got my rupee from him....lol... India currency.
Gurwin messaged me today and I was shocked that my mobile phone was vibrating. My phone can't vibrate since the day I bought it. Kinda of weird and I thought that miracle happened. But when I slide my phone up, the screen turn black for 3 secs and turn back to normal. The same thing happened when I slide it down. Something is wrong inside my phone so I messaged Richard to let him know that I am going down to his shop for him to repair my phone. After lesson took mrt to payar lebar. lol... uncle Richard look slimmer now. He said my phone ribbon is damaged. It cost $45 to repair my phone.. sigh... because I love my wife... just pay lor... so he was changing a new ribbon for my phone and I went to a foodcourt to eat. I ate a plate of chicken rice and went back to take my phone. Hmm... the only phone that can replace my wife now is Sony Ericsson Satio. LOL... but I don't intend to change it for the time being. Thanks uncle Richard for charging me $40 instead.
Walked to payar lebar circle line to take mrt back home and my stomach hurts.... I think it was food poisoning. Bore with the pain and reached home. :) sigh... don't feel lucky today.LOL....
Tmr is my MBS lab lesson. Wanted to do my homework but realise that I don't have the textbook. LOL... I seriously still think that a guy in my class look so much like Yew Hup.
I don't know why but I feel that my split personality is back recently.
Favourite music
27 April 2010
26 April 2010
Had a fun ice breaking game today with my new classmates during HRM tutorial. Able to recognize the boys now and some girls. Can't really remember all the names..LOL.... I found out that a guy in my class look so much like Yew hup... haha....
I wonder why nowadays coca cola got so many advertisement. Not long ago... coke advertisement was that whoever drink it, their body will shake. But recently coke advertisement shows a Japanese girl dancing. I don't get what's the link between a girl dancing and coke zero but I would say that coke is spending too much on advertisement. I seldom see pepsi advertise about their product nowadays. Hmm.... can you differentiate the taste of pepsi and coke? haha... They taste so similar... it's just like it's the same. But if it's almost the same, why didn't it violate any copyright or copying issue? LOL.... If it's true that Starbucks sued a China company for using 星八克 as it's name, if it's true that McDonald sued a company that starts with Mc too, why can't pepsi sue coke or coke sue pepsi? LMAO... just kidding...
KFC seem to spend a lot on advertisement too. They change their ad very frequently.
Hmm.... how do you judge a person regarding his age? By appearance? By height? By the way he talks?
All these ways are so traditional now. A guy who dyed his hair... look tall... speak like a gangster may look at 18 years old and above but he may not. Appearance and height are the most common method to judge a person's age. NC16,M18 and R21 movie tickets, 4D,TOTO,betting soccer,beer,cigarette...when you buy any of this, the cashier will judge your age based on your appearance and height. Is this a good method? Nah.. I think it's a lousy method. A good method is to check the IC but they can't possibly check everybody's IC. So how? I don't know too.lol... I just think that it's unfair....just because I look young doesn't mean that I am not 18.
Hmm.. anyway, this Wednesday is my father's birthday. I don't know what to buy for him and I don't know if I wanna buy anything. It may be my last birthday present for him......sigh.... I can feel that he wants to turn back.... but.... it's a sad case to say that it's too late.
Yawn.... 2nd week of school nia.. got to do project liao... sian...
I wonder why nowadays coca cola got so many advertisement. Not long ago... coke advertisement was that whoever drink it, their body will shake. But recently coke advertisement shows a Japanese girl dancing. I don't get what's the link between a girl dancing and coke zero but I would say that coke is spending too much on advertisement. I seldom see pepsi advertise about their product nowadays. Hmm.... can you differentiate the taste of pepsi and coke? haha... They taste so similar... it's just like it's the same. But if it's almost the same, why didn't it violate any copyright or copying issue? LOL.... If it's true that Starbucks sued a China company for using 星八克 as it's name, if it's true that McDonald sued a company that starts with Mc too, why can't pepsi sue coke or coke sue pepsi? LMAO... just kidding...
KFC seem to spend a lot on advertisement too. They change their ad very frequently.
Hmm.... how do you judge a person regarding his age? By appearance? By height? By the way he talks?
All these ways are so traditional now. A guy who dyed his hair... look tall... speak like a gangster may look at 18 years old and above but he may not. Appearance and height are the most common method to judge a person's age. NC16,M18 and R21 movie tickets, 4D,TOTO,betting soccer,beer,cigarette...when you buy any of this, the cashier will judge your age based on your appearance and height. Is this a good method? Nah.. I think it's a lousy method. A good method is to check the IC but they can't possibly check everybody's IC. So how? I don't know too.lol... I just think that it's unfair....just because I look young doesn't mean that I am not 18.
Hmm.. anyway, this Wednesday is my father's birthday. I don't know what to buy for him and I don't know if I wanna buy anything. It may be my last birthday present for him......sigh.... I can feel that he wants to turn back.... but.... it's a sad case to say that it's too late.
Yawn.... 2nd week of school nia.. got to do project liao... sian...
Sigh... not really that happy today. My parents received a letter telling them to attend a meeting on 3rd May regarding their divorce matter. My dad came to me and told me that he is divorcing with my mum.... it's my choice to decide who I wanna follow. Went out to Suntec city with my family.... had great fun with them especially with my grandmother. :) Mum came to me and told me that I should make my decision by now because the judge will ask me who do I wanna follow very soon.
Hmm... if I can choose.... I would choose not to follow any of them. But things seldom happen according to what you expect. Therefore.... life sucks.
Drank a can of my favorite Heineken today. lol.... Promised my mum that I will stop drinking.
I have been single for almost a month now. Kinda feel good with so much freedom... lol... but kinda miss Lovely still... not as her ex-bf but as her brother. I no longer see her online in facebook or msn anymore. Guess that she will online msn twice a year again. Hopefully she can find her true love soon.... because I won't find mine till she found hers. :D
Sian... tomorrow lesson from 12 to 5 without break. Feel so tired now. Sian.. price of furnitures in Habbo are so unstable now... don't feel like playing it for the time being...
Hmm... if I can choose.... I would choose not to follow any of them. But things seldom happen according to what you expect. Therefore.... life sucks.
Drank a can of my favorite Heineken today. lol.... Promised my mum that I will stop drinking.
I have been single for almost a month now. Kinda feel good with so much freedom... lol... but kinda miss Lovely still... not as her ex-bf but as her brother. I no longer see her online in facebook or msn anymore. Guess that she will online msn twice a year again. Hopefully she can find her true love soon.... because I won't find mine till she found hers. :D
Sian... tomorrow lesson from 12 to 5 without break. Feel so tired now. Sian.. price of furnitures in Habbo are so unstable now... don't feel like playing it for the time being...
25 April 2010
Hmm... went to Choa chu kang swimming complex to swim from afternoon to night. lol.... I fall in love with swimming ever since I learned how to swim.
Anyway, sometime life is very cruel. The poor are very poor while the rich are very rich. The poor may not have money to buy food to satisfy their hunger while the rich may not cherish time. Why should we have a difference when we are all human beings?
Does anyone have a Samsung laptop? It's kinda hard seeing one in Singapore. I once saw my Korean teacher using one but shops that sell laptop doesn't seem to sell any Samsung laptop. Strange... Do they have it or it's just that I didn't manage to see it?
Hmm.... Saw some of my subjects that I need to take in year 3 of my poly life today. My internship is in semester 3.1. Some hardcore subjects are in sem 3.2. Sigh...
Didn't really get to know my classmates during this week but hopefully by next week we will get to know one another. lol...
My sister booked a chalet at Downtown east for my family to have fun on 31st May. I just found out that my mid-sem test starts on 31st May too. I was like F***.... I am going to the chalet not to enjoy but to study for exam tomorrow... Sigh sigh sigh.......
Planning to go watch IP man 2 with Yew hup and Tong heng. Wanted to go during weekday because of the student price but we have school on weekdays. Sian... I guess we have to go on weekend.
I met a car brand name Tuscani a few days ago. Just recalled that Tuscani is my spectacle brand. LOL....
Hyundai... It's a car brand from Korea. But how do you pronounce it? lol... I hear many people pronouncing it differently. In Korea, the correct pronunciation in English is he-yawn-day. 현대. But people in SG pronounce it as he-in-day or he-wun-day. LOL... Even though I know the correct pronunciation, I still like to pronounce it as he-in-day. Haha... sounds nicer. It's just like Ferrari. We don't really pronounce it as fur-ra-ri nowadays. We call it as far-la-li. lol... Just like the Japanese...change all the r to l. Japanese will pronounce 'tomorrow' as tomollow. Unique but weird. lol....
Oh well.. since my pronunciation isn't that good also, I shall not talk about it.
It's getting late... got to go to sleep... sweet dreams to everyone. :)
Anyway, sometime life is very cruel. The poor are very poor while the rich are very rich. The poor may not have money to buy food to satisfy their hunger while the rich may not cherish time. Why should we have a difference when we are all human beings?
Does anyone have a Samsung laptop? It's kinda hard seeing one in Singapore. I once saw my Korean teacher using one but shops that sell laptop doesn't seem to sell any Samsung laptop. Strange... Do they have it or it's just that I didn't manage to see it?
Hmm.... Saw some of my subjects that I need to take in year 3 of my poly life today. My internship is in semester 3.1. Some hardcore subjects are in sem 3.2. Sigh...
Didn't really get to know my classmates during this week but hopefully by next week we will get to know one another. lol...
My sister booked a chalet at Downtown east for my family to have fun on 31st May. I just found out that my mid-sem test starts on 31st May too. I was like F***.... I am going to the chalet not to enjoy but to study for exam tomorrow... Sigh sigh sigh.......
Planning to go watch IP man 2 with Yew hup and Tong heng. Wanted to go during weekday because of the student price but we have school on weekdays. Sian... I guess we have to go on weekend.
I met a car brand name Tuscani a few days ago. Just recalled that Tuscani is my spectacle brand. LOL....
Hyundai... It's a car brand from Korea. But how do you pronounce it? lol... I hear many people pronouncing it differently. In Korea, the correct pronunciation in English is he-yawn-day. 현대. But people in SG pronounce it as he-in-day or he-wun-day. LOL... Even though I know the correct pronunciation, I still like to pronounce it as he-in-day. Haha... sounds nicer. It's just like Ferrari. We don't really pronounce it as fur-ra-ri nowadays. We call it as far-la-li. lol... Just like the Japanese...change all the r to l. Japanese will pronounce 'tomorrow' as tomollow. Unique but weird. lol....
Oh well.. since my pronunciation isn't that good also, I shall not talk about it.
It's getting late... got to go to sleep... sweet dreams to everyone. :)
23 April 2010
Going swimming tomorrow. lol...
I was watching television and they were showing the widowed woman in India... sigh... so damn sad... they were despised by everyone. They are not allowed to re-marry and the worst is that they have no income.
Their culture is very different from ours. When we Chinese get married, it's a rule that the groom must give red packet, wedding gifts like rings,necklace etc to the bride. But in India, it's the bride who must give the groom. It's very weird.
Recently there is this advertisement about KFC. It shows a family taking photo while wearing suits, a boy dancing while wearing suits and eating KFC after that. The strange thing about this advertisement is that it doesn't link. LOL... every family member was taking that photo wearing western suits except that boy. When that boy dance with a girl, he wear a suit instead of normal t-shirt instead. What a weirdo. LOL... totally no link.
The riot in Thailand is getting worse... lol.... sad case....
Gurwin's CDS is Japanese. It's his 4th choice. LOL... going to sell him my textbook for 100 rupees.
Buying more British pound... lol
Had business finance lecture this afternoon. I like this subject. :D so many formula... shiok ah...
Question for today. You were asked to carry a bag weight 10kg. You are to run 1km with this bag. There are 2 bags for you to choose. A bag with 10kg of iron bar and a bag with 10kg of cotton. Which will you choose to carry?
I was watching television and they were showing the widowed woman in India... sigh... so damn sad... they were despised by everyone. They are not allowed to re-marry and the worst is that they have no income.
Their culture is very different from ours. When we Chinese get married, it's a rule that the groom must give red packet, wedding gifts like rings,necklace etc to the bride. But in India, it's the bride who must give the groom. It's very weird.
Recently there is this advertisement about KFC. It shows a family taking photo while wearing suits, a boy dancing while wearing suits and eating KFC after that. The strange thing about this advertisement is that it doesn't link. LOL... every family member was taking that photo wearing western suits except that boy. When that boy dance with a girl, he wear a suit instead of normal t-shirt instead. What a weirdo. LOL... totally no link.
The riot in Thailand is getting worse... lol.... sad case....
Gurwin's CDS is Japanese. It's his 4th choice. LOL... going to sell him my textbook for 100 rupees.
Buying more British pound... lol
Had business finance lecture this afternoon. I like this subject. :D so many formula... shiok ah...
Question for today. You were asked to carry a bag weight 10kg. You are to run 1km with this bag. There are 2 bags for you to choose. A bag with 10kg of iron bar and a bag with 10kg of cotton. Which will you choose to carry?
Hmm... didn't sleep well last night. 4am went downstairs to sit at my sofa staring at the sky..... 15 minutes later... went upstairs to sleep.
Saw a pitiful bird dead on the street. So sad...
Supposed to attend the business day tomorrow but because my class have lecture, we don't have to attend. lol...
Saw a pitiful bird dead on the street. So sad...
Supposed to attend the business day tomorrow but because my class have lecture, we don't have to attend. lol...
21 April 2010
Today had HRM lecture and I would say it isn't really an easy subject. Sigh.... they teaching us PBL which I hate the most...
But well.. it's time to be independent.
Asked Gurwinder to sell me 100 rupees today. LOL....
My grandfather gave me a foreign currency today and I found out that it's the Japanese currency. But it's a worthless paper now. Because this currency is what we called it as 'Banana currency'. Long ago in world war 2, when Japan invaded Singapore, they forced Singaporeans to use the Banana currency. After Japan surrendered, banana currency became worthless. It is no longer a form of money but it's pretty rare now.
Here's the picture.
Hmm.... one unique thing about this banana currency is that there is no serial number on it. I don't know why but I don't care too. LOL....
Hmm... speaking of Japan... I wanna buy Japanese Yen too. LMAO....
Yay... tomorrow no need to go school.... can have fun at home...rest all I want.. :D
But well.. it's time to be independent.
Asked Gurwinder to sell me 100 rupees today. LOL....
My grandfather gave me a foreign currency today and I found out that it's the Japanese currency. But it's a worthless paper now. Because this currency is what we called it as 'Banana currency'. Long ago in world war 2, when Japan invaded Singapore, they forced Singaporeans to use the Banana currency. After Japan surrendered, banana currency became worthless. It is no longer a form of money but it's pretty rare now.
Here's the picture.
Hmm.... one unique thing about this banana currency is that there is no serial number on it. I don't know why but I don't care too. LOL....
Hmm... speaking of Japan... I wanna buy Japanese Yen too. LMAO....
Yay... tomorrow no need to go school.... can have fun at home...rest all I want.. :D
20 April 2010
Met my classmates today. Hmm... should be a pretty good class... lol...
Went to meet up with Sean after that. Hmm... the number of CDS in TP are increasing. More interesting subjects are available to choose.
Circle line is open now but there are some changes to the fare. It's a little more expensive than any other mrt but it's much faster. My sister was at Dhoby Ghaut mrt station and she said that circle line is so deep down. lol...

Hong Kong dollar look special. It's in the middle.
Hmm... recently there is a coca-cola advertisement showing a girl dancing. She's hot and pretty but I think she is a Japanese. Sigh... I was reading a forum and I saw someone posted something saying that local man are not hot/handsome enough and local woman are not pretty enough compared to the western countries. Well... everyone can discuss and debate for years but there is no right or wrong answer. It may be true but it may be false. It's true because we admit we may lose to Caucasians in terms of height,appearance etc. But it's false because there are handsome guys and pretty girls locally. Just that they are taken away. LOL....
Hmm.. next let's talk about erm..... healthy food. Scientists have encouraged everyone to eat vegetable...fruits etc as they are good for our health. They have discouraged people to eat unhealthy food such as McDonald...those fried food. Should we listen to them? Sigh... since death is a matter of time, sooner or later we will have to die. So why not eat your favorite food as much as you want? lol...
Got to go. cya..
Went to meet up with Sean after that. Hmm... the number of CDS in TP are increasing. More interesting subjects are available to choose.
Circle line is open now but there are some changes to the fare. It's a little more expensive than any other mrt but it's much faster. My sister was at Dhoby Ghaut mrt station and she said that circle line is so deep down. lol...

Hong Kong dollar look special. It's in the middle.
Hmm... recently there is a coca-cola advertisement showing a girl dancing. She's hot and pretty but I think she is a Japanese. Sigh... I was reading a forum and I saw someone posted something saying that local man are not hot/handsome enough and local woman are not pretty enough compared to the western countries. Well... everyone can discuss and debate for years but there is no right or wrong answer. It may be true but it may be false. It's true because we admit we may lose to Caucasians in terms of height,appearance etc. But it's false because there are handsome guys and pretty girls locally. Just that they are taken away. LOL....
Hmm.. next let's talk about erm..... healthy food. Scientists have encouraged everyone to eat vegetable...fruits etc as they are good for our health. They have discouraged people to eat unhealthy food such as McDonald...those fried food. Should we listen to them? Sigh... since death is a matter of time, sooner or later we will have to die. So why not eat your favorite food as much as you want? lol...
Got to go. cya..
using my mobile phone to blog now. Lol. Reached school at 3.30pm to meet up with qu xin. Bought ren ming bi, hong kong dollar and macau money from him. :)
Everyone was wondering why are there so many people in school today. Its really crowded. Had my MBS lecture at 4pm. Wa siao. . . First lecture only so many things to memorise liao. . . This subject sure buang liao. I hate MBS. Sigh. . . But no matter i like it or not, i still have to accept the truth that its a compulsory subject. Lol. Hmmm. . . Actually i am lucky enough already.. . . I got no CDS. people in my course are taking 2 CDS in one semester now. They are more stress than me.
Its been a long time since i talk about any topic. Hmmm. . . What should i talk about today? Erm. . . How about videos? I am talking about 'how-to' videos. Do you prefer videos or learn on live such as attending classes? Well. . . You may not learn as much when you are learning using videos compared to classes. But videos are free. Lol. Soz, the question is video or attend lesson? Leave a comment below.
19 April 2010
Hmm... was so busy yesterday that I don't have time to blog.
Went to Jurong east swimming complex to swim with my family and Hup. Surprisingly, both of us know how to swim now. LOL.... Swimming is now one of my favorite hobby.
Tomorrow is the day our school life is back. Attending lectures taking your bag trying to make sense what the hell is the lecturer talking about....
Even though school sucks, I do miss school sometimes.
After waiting for weeks, I finally have England and Europe currency.
British pound... you are so beautiful.... lol... anyway, I think Nico is in the same class as me. New semester, new subjects, new class, new friends but same life... sigh....
To hope for a better tomorrow. Time to sleep..
Went to Jurong east swimming complex to swim with my family and Hup. Surprisingly, both of us know how to swim now. LOL.... Swimming is now one of my favorite hobby.
Tomorrow is the day our school life is back. Attending lectures taking your bag trying to make sense what the hell is the lecturer talking about....
Even though school sucks, I do miss school sometimes.
After waiting for weeks, I finally have England and Europe currency.
British pound... you are so beautiful.... lol... anyway, I think Nico is in the same class as me. New semester, new subjects, new class, new friends but same life... sigh....
To hope for a better tomorrow. Time to sleep..
17 April 2010
Hmm... I found out why teenagers seldom go out with their parents to shop nowadays.
Anyway, I heard from my friend that Habbo is having some merger thing going on. Habbo US, CA, SG, PH and MY is going to merge into one. Habbo UK will be joining too. Some problems may be hard to solve especially when prices of furniture are different.
One of the main problem is the time zone difference. The time difference between Singapore and USA is around 12 hours. That means habbo have to operate 24 hours without closing.
Oh well... I wanna look for a US or UK HC gf once the merger is complete. LOL.... still single in habbo.
Bringing my brother to E-hub to play tomorrow. Should be able to get my Euro dollar and British pound tomorrow. :D :D Buying ren ming bi from my friend next week.
Heard that Lovely is alright now. I misunderstood why she did not eat that time..haha... Good to hear that she's fine. Kyo, jia you. :)
Anyway, I heard from my friend that Habbo is having some merger thing going on. Habbo US, CA, SG, PH and MY is going to merge into one. Habbo UK will be joining too. Some problems may be hard to solve especially when prices of furniture are different.
One of the main problem is the time zone difference. The time difference between Singapore and USA is around 12 hours. That means habbo have to operate 24 hours without closing.
Oh well... I wanna look for a US or UK HC gf once the merger is complete. LOL.... still single in habbo.
Bringing my brother to E-hub to play tomorrow. Should be able to get my Euro dollar and British pound tomorrow. :D :D Buying ren ming bi from my friend next week.
Heard that Lovely is alright now. I misunderstood why she did not eat that time..haha... Good to hear that she's fine. Kyo, jia you. :)
16 April 2010
Hmm.... saw my timetable this afternoon. The good news is every Thursday I don't have to go to school. The bad news is regarding my subjects. Managing business system is going to be extremely hard as it's harder than CSA. It's the upgrade version of CSA. LOL.... Human resource management is a subject that require us to memorise things.
Won't be able to get good grades for the 2 subjects above. Basics of entrepreneurship I don't know what is it about so I don't know will it be hard or easy... but most likely easy. lol...
Business finance should be something that I like. Hopefully I can score in this subject. No CDS for me so I don't have to worry. HAHA.
Finally cleared my CDS.
Sean messaged me and told me that his CDS is psychology. Was quite shocked but I believe he can do it. All the best, bro.
Qu xin is taking psychology of creativity. It's much easier than introduction to psycho but it can be hard too.
Sigh... psychology will make you psycho.
The other 2 psychology are cross-cultural psychology and introduction to counselling psychology.
They are the 4 Kings of CDS. LOL...
Hmm.... I am still eyeing for Essential japanese. If this CDS is available next semester, I will take it at all costs.
No one is in the same class as me. Guess I will have to make friends in 2B06. Went to see who are my lecturers and tutorial teacher this afternoon. Look familiar but don't really like them. LOL...
Looks like the road that I am walking now is going to be rough soon.
Won't be able to get good grades for the 2 subjects above. Basics of entrepreneurship I don't know what is it about so I don't know will it be hard or easy... but most likely easy. lol...
Business finance should be something that I like. Hopefully I can score in this subject. No CDS for me so I don't have to worry. HAHA.
Finally cleared my CDS.
Sean messaged me and told me that his CDS is psychology. Was quite shocked but I believe he can do it. All the best, bro.
Qu xin is taking psychology of creativity. It's much easier than introduction to psycho but it can be hard too.
Sigh... psychology will make you psycho.
The other 2 psychology are cross-cultural psychology and introduction to counselling psychology.
They are the 4 Kings of CDS. LOL...
Hmm.... I am still eyeing for Essential japanese. If this CDS is available next semester, I will take it at all costs.
No one is in the same class as me. Guess I will have to make friends in 2B06. Went to see who are my lecturers and tutorial teacher this afternoon. Look familiar but don't really like them. LOL...
Looks like the road that I am walking now is going to be rough soon.
15 April 2010
Tomorrow my timetable will be out. Should be able to know my class by tomorrow. Hmm... in a good mood today. Looks like I am wrong about myself..... muahahahahaha...... I am not that bad after all. :D :D :D so damn happy.
Anyway, went to eat at the kopitiam opposite of Punggol park with my family at 12AM midnight. Couldn't see any student.... they must be sleeping as they got to go to school tomorrow... haha.. I feel so evil laughing at them...
There was this 2 men sitting behind me talking about 4D and TOTO. Suddenly, a question came to me that kept me thinking why. Well.... why would a human gamble $300 and forget about it when he lose? If you were to ask him to spend this $300 on food, why would he complain when food is more important than gambling? Isn't it true that we need food to survive instead of gambling? If it's true, why do humans prefer gambling $300 away instead of using it to buy something more useful? I asked my auntie why and she was telling me when a gambler gamble $300, they take it as buying a hope. A hope to win the prize. A hope for them to be rich.
Sigh... it's wrong to think that way but they won't listen. A problem that exist not only in Singapore but every single country.... what can we do? Sigh....
There are so many routes we can choose to walk in our life. Some routes we know that we will never ever walk it unless we have no way out. Some routes we know that we will never ever be so fortunate to walk it. Some routes are there for us but we fail to see it. But no matter which route you take, you must remember not to regret. You must understand that every route have different obstacle. The obstacle can be anything ranging from a small stone which will just trip you down or a mountain which you have to climb over. The main thing is no matter what obstacle you face, never give up. You will fall but you must stand up. Never say die. Believe in yourself.
Sometime we find that a particular drama character is similar to your life. Sometime you know things work that way but you don't know why. It's not necessary to know why.. For example...It's just like we know that there is this math formula. x= -b± square root of (b^2 - 4ac) / 2a. We know that this is the formula. But we don't know why as it's not necessary to find out why.
This is similar to our life. We know we have to live and move on in life but we don't know why. Everyday we eat work sleep talk slack play and complain without knowing why. We just know that these are part of our daily routine so we just do it. lol... half right half wrong.... I have been finding what is the purpose in life and one day, I asked my mother why do we have to live in such a torturing,cruel and unfair world...what is the purpose in life?
For some reason, I trust my mum that she is right. From the start, there is no purpose at all.
Anyway, went to eat at the kopitiam opposite of Punggol park with my family at 12AM midnight. Couldn't see any student.... they must be sleeping as they got to go to school tomorrow... haha.. I feel so evil laughing at them...
There was this 2 men sitting behind me talking about 4D and TOTO. Suddenly, a question came to me that kept me thinking why. Well.... why would a human gamble $300 and forget about it when he lose? If you were to ask him to spend this $300 on food, why would he complain when food is more important than gambling? Isn't it true that we need food to survive instead of gambling? If it's true, why do humans prefer gambling $300 away instead of using it to buy something more useful? I asked my auntie why and she was telling me when a gambler gamble $300, they take it as buying a hope. A hope to win the prize. A hope for them to be rich.
Sigh... it's wrong to think that way but they won't listen. A problem that exist not only in Singapore but every single country.... what can we do? Sigh....
There are so many routes we can choose to walk in our life. Some routes we know that we will never ever walk it unless we have no way out. Some routes we know that we will never ever be so fortunate to walk it. Some routes are there for us but we fail to see it. But no matter which route you take, you must remember not to regret. You must understand that every route have different obstacle. The obstacle can be anything ranging from a small stone which will just trip you down or a mountain which you have to climb over. The main thing is no matter what obstacle you face, never give up. You will fall but you must stand up. Never say die. Believe in yourself.
Sometime we find that a particular drama character is similar to your life. Sometime you know things work that way but you don't know why. It's not necessary to know why.. For example...It's just like we know that there is this math formula. x= -b± square root of (b^2 - 4ac) / 2a. We know that this is the formula. But we don't know why as it's not necessary to find out why.
This is similar to our life. We know we have to live and move on in life but we don't know why. Everyday we eat work sleep talk slack play and complain without knowing why. We just know that these are part of our daily routine so we just do it. lol... half right half wrong.... I have been finding what is the purpose in life and one day, I asked my mother why do we have to live in such a torturing,cruel and unfair world...what is the purpose in life?
For some reason, I trust my mum that she is right. From the start, there is no purpose at all.
14 April 2010
Heard that our timetable will be out on Thursday. Sigh... still don't know which class am I in.
Drank a little and my head hurts a little...lol....
Shall sleep early tonight.
Drank a little and my head hurts a little...lol....
Shall sleep early tonight.
13 April 2010
Hmm... nothing much happened today. Still collecting foreign and rare currency. Just got Taiwan and Thailand currency today. Still waiting to buy pound and euro.
Anyone have Singapore orchid money? Those with orchid in the picture. Contact me if you have it..lol.
I wonder which class will I be posted to. The timetable isn't out yet and school is starting in just 6 days. Some of my friends already know which class they are in...sigh....
Hmm.... I miss school.... I miss those days where I take my bag with my alcoholic drinks to school while attending lecture and tutorial. I miss chatting with my classmates.... all those happy memories....
But I hate it when it comes to exam. Hate memorizing like a mad guy trying to remember every single thing. lol...
Anyone have Singapore orchid money? Those with orchid in the picture. Contact me if you have it..lol.
I wonder which class will I be posted to. The timetable isn't out yet and school is starting in just 6 days. Some of my friends already know which class they are in...sigh....
Hmm.... I miss school.... I miss those days where I take my bag with my alcoholic drinks to school while attending lecture and tutorial. I miss chatting with my classmates.... all those happy memories....
But I hate it when it comes to exam. Hate memorizing like a mad guy trying to remember every single thing. lol...
12 April 2010
Hmm... let's see erm.... any interesting stuff happened today? Nope,nothing.
Anything funny? Nope,nothing.
Anything worth to talk about? Nope, nothing.
Anything boring? Yes,everything. LOL.
Went to Chinatown to search for money changer shop as my mum, sis and bro are going to Taiwan next month. They want to abandon me. sigh.... so sad that I can't go... please pity me...lol.. just joking. Erm.... wanted to change some sterling pound because my hobby is to collect foreign currency but my mum disallowed. The exchange rate was 2.3 : 1. I seriously wanna buy Euro and sterling pound.
US dollar is slightly dropping a little. It may drop further or rise back soon.
If you were to find all the money changers in Singapore, you will find that 98% of them are owned by the Indians. I am not insulting them but it's true. I wonder why....
Perhaps this is the reason why we stereotype that Indians are good in English and mathematics.
Money changers love to play with the calculator. You just have to go to any money changer shop and ask them how much is a hundred US dollar and they will use the calculator to answer you instead of talking. Pretty cool.... and if they were to wear sunglasses...... wow.... they will look like a Bollywood star... LOL...
I was thinking why do different money changer shop have different exchange rate. Why don't all of them just follow one exchange rate so that we can save time without comparing? lol....
Inside any money changer shop, there should be a small machine used for counting money. The machine will only count 2 types of money. Large sum of money or RMB which is China currency. It's said that there are billions of fake notes in China. The machine will stop counting if it detect any fake notes. LOL... that's why they always use the machine to count RMB.
1 week more till school reopen. Sigh.... project,test,exam and homework will strangle us so that we can't breathe. lol...
Anything funny? Nope,nothing.
Anything worth to talk about? Nope, nothing.
Anything boring? Yes,everything. LOL.
Went to Chinatown to search for money changer shop as my mum, sis and bro are going to Taiwan next month. They want to abandon me. sigh.... so sad that I can't go... please pity me...lol.. just joking. Erm.... wanted to change some sterling pound because my hobby is to collect foreign currency but my mum disallowed. The exchange rate was 2.3 : 1. I seriously wanna buy Euro and sterling pound.
US dollar is slightly dropping a little. It may drop further or rise back soon.
If you were to find all the money changers in Singapore, you will find that 98% of them are owned by the Indians. I am not insulting them but it's true. I wonder why....
Perhaps this is the reason why we stereotype that Indians are good in English and mathematics.
Money changers love to play with the calculator. You just have to go to any money changer shop and ask them how much is a hundred US dollar and they will use the calculator to answer you instead of talking. Pretty cool.... and if they were to wear sunglasses...... wow.... they will look like a Bollywood star... LOL...
I was thinking why do different money changer shop have different exchange rate. Why don't all of them just follow one exchange rate so that we can save time without comparing? lol....
Inside any money changer shop, there should be a small machine used for counting money. The machine will only count 2 types of money. Large sum of money or RMB which is China currency. It's said that there are billions of fake notes in China. The machine will stop counting if it detect any fake notes. LOL... that's why they always use the machine to count RMB.
1 week more till school reopen. Sigh.... project,test,exam and homework will strangle us so that we can't breathe. lol...
11 April 2010
Hmm... went swimming with Hup today at Sengkang. Sigh.. still don't really know how to swim. I wonder what will happen if I enter NS without knowing how to swim. Heard that the swimming pool there is 2 meters deep.
I was at compass point cold storage and I saw a pretty unique trolley. It's the same as those trolleys you can see in the supermarkets except that there is a screen in front of the trolley. We asked the staff what is that screen for and he told us that it's a computer for customers to check out what's the current promotion in their stall. Hmm... it's cool. Perhaps this is one of the technology that we can adopt now. Future technology... it's so interesting.
Hmm... technology have made our life so convenient. In the past, people used to write letter on a piece of paper...buy a stamp and envelope... place the letter inside the envelope... stick a stamp on the envelope... walk to the nearest mailbox and post it....
After waiting for 3 to 7 days, you finally receive the letter and the same process starts over and over again. Because of e-mail, all you need is to write what you wanna say and send to that person. Simple and easy.
When you wanna shop to buy some stuff...hmm... let's say a television... you don't have to go to Courts to choose your brand,color etc anymore. You just have to go to any shopping websites such as amazon. All you have to do is to find and choose and compare and click and pay. So convenient.. you don't have to leave your house at all.
Feeling hungry? You don't have to pick up your phone to dial any numbers at all. All you need is to go to any food website such as McDonald to order. You choose and pay. How cool is that?
People are setting up blog shop to sell things like clothes....collectable stuff...mobile phone etc.
Even if you missed the news tonight, you still can go to websites like yahoo to find out what happened.
But if everything is in electronic now... why do you still see people outside buying things...dining out.....shopping?
Sigh... technology is the same as human. Since no one is perfect in this world, there will never be a technology that is perfect. No matter how good a technology is, there will always be disadvantages. That's the reason why technology keep improving.
Today is my grandmother's birthday so we went to Swensen's to eat.
Got to go to sleep... good night.... lol.
I was at compass point cold storage and I saw a pretty unique trolley. It's the same as those trolleys you can see in the supermarkets except that there is a screen in front of the trolley. We asked the staff what is that screen for and he told us that it's a computer for customers to check out what's the current promotion in their stall. Hmm... it's cool. Perhaps this is one of the technology that we can adopt now. Future technology... it's so interesting.
Hmm... technology have made our life so convenient. In the past, people used to write letter on a piece of paper...buy a stamp and envelope... place the letter inside the envelope... stick a stamp on the envelope... walk to the nearest mailbox and post it....
After waiting for 3 to 7 days, you finally receive the letter and the same process starts over and over again. Because of e-mail, all you need is to write what you wanna say and send to that person. Simple and easy.
When you wanna shop to buy some stuff...hmm... let's say a television... you don't have to go to Courts to choose your brand,color etc anymore. You just have to go to any shopping websites such as amazon. All you have to do is to find and choose and compare and click and pay. So convenient.. you don't have to leave your house at all.
Feeling hungry? You don't have to pick up your phone to dial any numbers at all. All you need is to go to any food website such as McDonald to order. You choose and pay. How cool is that?
People are setting up blog shop to sell things like clothes....collectable stuff...mobile phone etc.
Even if you missed the news tonight, you still can go to websites like yahoo to find out what happened.
But if everything is in electronic now... why do you still see people outside buying things...dining out.....shopping?
Sigh... technology is the same as human. Since no one is perfect in this world, there will never be a technology that is perfect. No matter how good a technology is, there will always be disadvantages. That's the reason why technology keep improving.
Today is my grandmother's birthday so we went to Swensen's to eat.
Got to go to sleep... good night.... lol.
09 April 2010
WOOSH! My broadband is back to normal. I can use the internet now.
Hmm.. it's 3pm now... my friends are coming to my house at 5pm to play. LOL.... Sean don't wanna come... sigh...
Hmm... I wonder how is Lovely. Hyun Jung, thanks for everything.
These few days I went to rent some vcd to watch as I can't use the internet. I watched a horror movie called dead silence and it's nice. There is a poem in this movie and it goes like this.
Beware the stare of Mary Shaw.
She had no children, only dolls
And if you see her,do not scream;
Or she'll rip your tongue out, at the seam
And if you see her,remember this.
The only thing that can save you is silence.
I like the story of this movie. But I hate the ending. I watched the alternate ending but it's still isn't what I want.lol.
Hmm.. if you happen to see a ghost for real one day, will you scream? Well.. I won't scream. I will run. lol...
wow... it's 3.45pm now. I got to go... Take care....
Hmm.. it's 3pm now... my friends are coming to my house at 5pm to play. LOL.... Sean don't wanna come... sigh...
Hmm... I wonder how is Lovely. Hyun Jung, thanks for everything.
These few days I went to rent some vcd to watch as I can't use the internet. I watched a horror movie called dead silence and it's nice. There is a poem in this movie and it goes like this.
Beware the stare of Mary Shaw.
She had no children, only dolls
And if you see her,do not scream;
Or she'll rip your tongue out, at the seam
And if you see her,remember this.
The only thing that can save you is silence.
I like the story of this movie. But I hate the ending. I watched the alternate ending but it's still isn't what I want.lol.
Hmm.. if you happen to see a ghost for real one day, will you scream? Well.. I won't scream. I will run. lol...
wow... it's 3.45pm now. I got to go... Take care....
08 April 2010
Hmm... finally I am able to blog again... came to McDonald to use wireless@SG so that I can blog here.
My broadband was having problems so I couldn't use the internet or my house phone at all.... all communication is down... that's the reason why I haven't been blogging recently. LOL....
I don't really know what is the problem with my broadband so I contacted Singtel for technical support on Monday. They told me a technical support staff will be coming to my house on Wednesday and so I waited.... life without internet is horrible. But the strange thing is that I manage to survive.... lol...
So a man came to my house on Wednesday and he walked up and down my house. He doesn't seem to know what's the problem with my broadband too. So he told me the problem isn't inside my house. He got to go to another place to check the connection for me. So he left and I was waiting for his call. I waited like a retarded for hours and finally, he messaged me and told me that my internet should be working now. If I still encounter any problem, please call 1688.
So I tried to use my internet but the problem isn't solved yet. My house phone cannot be used too. The problem isn't solved at all. Damn it... I feel cheated... he wasted my time....
I called Singtel today to find out what the hell happened to my broadband and they were like erm... give me 2 minutes..... give me 2 minutes again.... and again... lol....
Anyway, they told me they keyed in the wrong internet profile for me and that's the main problem. I was blur wondering what is an internet profile and all I did was to say 'ok.....oh.....ok.....sure....oh...ok'. Another technical support staff is coming to my house tomorrow and Singtel promised to solve my broadband by tomorrow. Oh well... hopefully my internet will be back tomorrow.
Hmm... finally called Jing kai yesterday to ask him out for dinner and he agreed. Didn't see him for erm.... a year? haha...
I will be back blogging tomorrow if my broadband is back to normal. Take care, everyone.....
My broadband was having problems so I couldn't use the internet or my house phone at all.... all communication is down... that's the reason why I haven't been blogging recently. LOL....
I don't really know what is the problem with my broadband so I contacted Singtel for technical support on Monday. They told me a technical support staff will be coming to my house on Wednesday and so I waited.... life without internet is horrible. But the strange thing is that I manage to survive.... lol...
So a man came to my house on Wednesday and he walked up and down my house. He doesn't seem to know what's the problem with my broadband too. So he told me the problem isn't inside my house. He got to go to another place to check the connection for me. So he left and I was waiting for his call. I waited like a retarded for hours and finally, he messaged me and told me that my internet should be working now. If I still encounter any problem, please call 1688.
So I tried to use my internet but the problem isn't solved yet. My house phone cannot be used too. The problem isn't solved at all. Damn it... I feel cheated... he wasted my time....
I called Singtel today to find out what the hell happened to my broadband and they were like erm... give me 2 minutes..... give me 2 minutes again.... and again... lol....
Anyway, they told me they keyed in the wrong internet profile for me and that's the main problem. I was blur wondering what is an internet profile and all I did was to say 'ok.....oh.....ok.....sure....oh...ok'. Another technical support staff is coming to my house tomorrow and Singtel promised to solve my broadband by tomorrow. Oh well... hopefully my internet will be back tomorrow.
Hmm... finally called Jing kai yesterday to ask him out for dinner and he agreed. Didn't see him for erm.... a year? haha...
I will be back blogging tomorrow if my broadband is back to normal. Take care, everyone.....
04 April 2010
Everytime when I am on my blog.... I am kind of stuck thinking what to write especially when nothing interesting happened.
Writer's block.... that's what bloggers are afraid of.
From what I know, a blog is something like an online journal. So if it's a journal, shouldn't we write what we have learned instead of what actually happened? All of us made mistakes before. But did we learn from our mistake?
Sometimes, things are so weird in this world because of perception. Because different people look at things differently, a mistake may not be a mistake to you but it may be a mistake to others.
We know that perception is bias. But sometimes, we have to ignore bias to move on.
Sometimes I ask myself..............why is the world changing so fast? But wait.... is the world changing too fast or am I changing too slow? But wait again........ even if the world is changing, is it compulsory that I must change too?
Some things in life changes so fast that we can't catch up with it. One of them is technology. A good example would be our cellphone. Several years ago, my dream phone was Nokia N95. I believed that it's one of the best phone at that point in time. So I bought it finally and looked at my friends...... and asked myself.... what is going on? Why is everyone taking a touchscreen phone?
I support Nokia and Sony Ericsson. My dream phone was Sony Ericsson Satio last year. With a 12.1 megapixel camera, this phone can be compared to my digital camera. Recently SE released a new phone called Vivaz. SE promoted this phone as a HD video camera phone. How cool is that? I looked at my N95 and said......sigh... you are no longer the best anymore.... But then, we need not change even though cellphone is changing rapidly.
We must not forget the main purpose of a cellphone. A cellphone is used for communication. 2 famous types are calling and messaging. My auntie own a non-color with no camera phone. I asked her why she don't wanna change her phone and she was like.......why must I change? lol...
Hmm... I have to stop here....got to go.
Hyun Jung, I know you are reading my blog. Please go out with Lovely more often. Bring back her smile like before. Thanks. 미안해요.
Writer's block.... that's what bloggers are afraid of.
From what I know, a blog is something like an online journal. So if it's a journal, shouldn't we write what we have learned instead of what actually happened? All of us made mistakes before. But did we learn from our mistake?
Sometimes, things are so weird in this world because of perception. Because different people look at things differently, a mistake may not be a mistake to you but it may be a mistake to others.
We know that perception is bias. But sometimes, we have to ignore bias to move on.
Sometimes I ask myself..............why is the world changing so fast? But wait.... is the world changing too fast or am I changing too slow? But wait again........ even if the world is changing, is it compulsory that I must change too?
Some things in life changes so fast that we can't catch up with it. One of them is technology. A good example would be our cellphone. Several years ago, my dream phone was Nokia N95. I believed that it's one of the best phone at that point in time. So I bought it finally and looked at my friends...... and asked myself.... what is going on? Why is everyone taking a touchscreen phone?
I support Nokia and Sony Ericsson. My dream phone was Sony Ericsson Satio last year. With a 12.1 megapixel camera, this phone can be compared to my digital camera. Recently SE released a new phone called Vivaz. SE promoted this phone as a HD video camera phone. How cool is that? I looked at my N95 and said......sigh... you are no longer the best anymore.... But then, we need not change even though cellphone is changing rapidly.
We must not forget the main purpose of a cellphone. A cellphone is used for communication. 2 famous types are calling and messaging. My auntie own a non-color with no camera phone. I asked her why she don't wanna change her phone and she was like.......why must I change? lol...
Hmm... I have to stop here....got to go.
Hyun Jung, I know you are reading my blog. Please go out with Lovely more often. Bring back her smile like before. Thanks. 미안해요.
Sigh... the numbers I bought did not strike once again... oh well.. I am left with tomorrow's result. God of wealth, please help me.
Hmm... I chatted with Lovely's mother this afternoon. I was explaining to her what happened and she told me she didn't blame me for that but... she said Lovely isn't really eating well. I was kinda shocked and I wonder what happened. She told me not to worry.....she just need some time to adapt.
I am sorry..... Lovely.... I didn't mean to hurt you like that... I love you.
Went to visit my god-father after that. Had supper at around 12am at an Indian muslim coffee shop. I was looking at the menu to see what do I wanna drink and I ordered an Iced kopi dinosaur. My mum looked at me with huge reaction and said coffee? lol... she don't really like me to drink coffee and I wonder why. Still prefer Starbucks coffee.... that white chocolate mocha.... so delicious....
I thought my drink would have some cream on top of it but it's just a normal iced coffee. The word dinosaur refers to extra big cup. Nothing else. LOL....
Sigh... won't be able to sleep well tonight.
Hmm... I chatted with Lovely's mother this afternoon. I was explaining to her what happened and she told me she didn't blame me for that but... she said Lovely isn't really eating well. I was kinda shocked and I wonder what happened. She told me not to worry.....she just need some time to adapt.
I am sorry..... Lovely.... I didn't mean to hurt you like that... I love you.
Went to visit my god-father after that. Had supper at around 12am at an Indian muslim coffee shop. I was looking at the menu to see what do I wanna drink and I ordered an Iced kopi dinosaur. My mum looked at me with huge reaction and said coffee? lol... she don't really like me to drink coffee and I wonder why. Still prefer Starbucks coffee.... that white chocolate mocha.... so delicious....
I thought my drink would have some cream on top of it but it's just a normal iced coffee. The word dinosaur refers to extra big cup. Nothing else. LOL....
Sigh... won't be able to sleep well tonight.
03 April 2010
Hmm.... I was in my bedroom this afternoon where I heard this loud braking sound and a car crashed. I looked out the window and to my surprise, it's a police car. A car behind it was unable to stop in time. It crashed with the police car.
A few hours later, I was going out so I walked pass the car. Hmm... weird... I saw a bicycle on the ground. Now I don't get what happened.
Went to Singapore flyer today. My brother wanted to buy some food to feed those fishes and we bought him some. Took a stroll to the Esplanade to eat. It's those kind of hawker centre whereby there isn't any shelter. Only the middle of the hawker centre have some big umbrella. Me and my family were sitting outside. My auntie and my sister went to buy some food and I went to buy some drinks.When I was about to bring the drinks back to my table, it started raining heavily. Everyone started running to the middle where there is shelter. A minute later, LMAO.... it stopped raining. We can't go back to our table to eat anymore as the seats are wet. So we waited for empty seats in the middle. LOL...
Hmm.. after eating we went to city hall to shop. My auntie asked me why is Little India called Little India? Why not call it Big India? LOL.... I don't know either.
I was at Raffles city and something caught my eyes. Well, basically, there are 2 types of people who shop in this world. The first type being those people who shop and buy like crazy.They are known as the shopaholic. The second type being those people who just window shop. They shop but seldom buy.
Inside the category of people who window shop, there are 2 types of people again. Type A being those people who don't have money and type B being those people who have the money but wish to save up. Therefore, they seldom buy items to fulfill their wants.
For the girls, their wants can be anything. It can be bags....rings... etc. I group the girl's wants as Fashion. For the guys, their wants can be anything too. It can be television...iPhone... etc... I group the guy's wants as electronic devices.
Overall, I can say that different people have different wants. LOL...
I belong to type B currently but if I have more money, I will be a shopaholic.
Back to my point, I was saying something caught my eyes. Yes... I think I found a new type of shopper. These shoppers doesn't being to the first or second type. They belong to the third type of shoppers who I call them as the entertainment shoppers.
Entertainment shoppers doesn't shop at all. They don't window shop too. So what do they do in a shopping mall? Well... they look for entertainment. The word 'new' is very sensitive to them as this is the only word that will grab their attention.
You are an entertainment shopper when you frequently shopped a shopping mall till you are bored of the items for sale there. Thus, you look out for shops that says 'new stock arrived'.
I was at Raffles city and my sister told us that the toilet bowls in the toilet are very special because they are imported from Japan. You just have to press a button and the water will wash your butt for you. It sound weird so I asked my auntie to try it. LOL... But in the end nobody tried it
Oh well, I found out a funny but silly fact about foreigners in Singapore. I am referring to China people who came to Singapore to shop and tour. You see, several items such as toys in Singapore are made in China. Can you imagine someone from China flew to Singapore, bought some toys and went back to China? LOL... Interesting huh? They are buying back the toys which are made in China which Singapore imported from China. ROFL.
When you go outside to the street, there are numerous identical cars. Cars with the same brand.... same color... same model.
Imagine you own a red Honda civic car. You parked your car and you realise that the car beside you is also a red Honda civic.Is there any difference between these two cars?
If your answer is there is no difference, you are a person who doesn't really know how to value things that you own.
If your answer is there is a difference, you are a person who will value things that you own as you clearly understand that that particular car is yours while all the other red Honda civic in this world are not.
That's the answer to the question 'when is a pen not a pen' that I have been trying to find.
Hmm... it's getting late.. I got to go... oh ya, Sean is sick. Take care, bro... recover fast. :)
A few hours later, I was going out so I walked pass the car. Hmm... weird... I saw a bicycle on the ground. Now I don't get what happened.
Went to Singapore flyer today. My brother wanted to buy some food to feed those fishes and we bought him some. Took a stroll to the Esplanade to eat. It's those kind of hawker centre whereby there isn't any shelter. Only the middle of the hawker centre have some big umbrella. Me and my family were sitting outside. My auntie and my sister went to buy some food and I went to buy some drinks.When I was about to bring the drinks back to my table, it started raining heavily. Everyone started running to the middle where there is shelter. A minute later, LMAO.... it stopped raining. We can't go back to our table to eat anymore as the seats are wet. So we waited for empty seats in the middle. LOL...
Hmm.. after eating we went to city hall to shop. My auntie asked me why is Little India called Little India? Why not call it Big India? LOL.... I don't know either.
I was at Raffles city and something caught my eyes. Well, basically, there are 2 types of people who shop in this world. The first type being those people who shop and buy like crazy.They are known as the shopaholic. The second type being those people who just window shop. They shop but seldom buy.
Inside the category of people who window shop, there are 2 types of people again. Type A being those people who don't have money and type B being those people who have the money but wish to save up. Therefore, they seldom buy items to fulfill their wants.
For the girls, their wants can be anything. It can be bags....rings... etc. I group the girl's wants as Fashion. For the guys, their wants can be anything too. It can be television...iPhone... etc... I group the guy's wants as electronic devices.
Overall, I can say that different people have different wants. LOL...
I belong to type B currently but if I have more money, I will be a shopaholic.
Back to my point, I was saying something caught my eyes. Yes... I think I found a new type of shopper. These shoppers doesn't being to the first or second type. They belong to the third type of shoppers who I call them as the entertainment shoppers.
Entertainment shoppers doesn't shop at all. They don't window shop too. So what do they do in a shopping mall? Well... they look for entertainment. The word 'new' is very sensitive to them as this is the only word that will grab their attention.
You are an entertainment shopper when you frequently shopped a shopping mall till you are bored of the items for sale there. Thus, you look out for shops that says 'new stock arrived'.
I was at Raffles city and my sister told us that the toilet bowls in the toilet are very special because they are imported from Japan. You just have to press a button and the water will wash your butt for you. It sound weird so I asked my auntie to try it. LOL... But in the end nobody tried it
Oh well, I found out a funny but silly fact about foreigners in Singapore. I am referring to China people who came to Singapore to shop and tour. You see, several items such as toys in Singapore are made in China. Can you imagine someone from China flew to Singapore, bought some toys and went back to China? LOL... Interesting huh? They are buying back the toys which are made in China which Singapore imported from China. ROFL.
When you go outside to the street, there are numerous identical cars. Cars with the same brand.... same color... same model.
Imagine you own a red Honda civic car. You parked your car and you realise that the car beside you is also a red Honda civic.Is there any difference between these two cars?
If your answer is there is no difference, you are a person who doesn't really know how to value things that you own.
If your answer is there is a difference, you are a person who will value things that you own as you clearly understand that that particular car is yours while all the other red Honda civic in this world are not.
That's the answer to the question 'when is a pen not a pen' that I have been trying to find.
Hmm... it's getting late.. I got to go... oh ya, Sean is sick. Take care, bro... recover fast. :)
02 April 2010
Hmm.. today is April fool day. What kind of prank did you get? lol
Today wasn't a good day for me. Partly because none of my friends message me to prank me. haha.
I went to suntec city with my family today. I saw the fountain of wealth........ and I recalled the last day where I hugged Lovely. It's also the day where both of us cried.... those happy memories... I will never forget them. :)
Went to Carrefour and I saw champagne. Finally found it.... but the sad thing is that I didn't buy it. lol...
I feel very uneasy today. That's because everywhere I go, I see couples holding hand.... couples hugging.... then when I look at myself... I smiled... because I can no longer do all these anymore. I am single with no crush now. It's a feeling I hate but it's a fact I have to accept.
My sister is going to Taiwan on 22nd May. She asked my mum to go with her and my mum asked me if I wanna go.
Sigh... I really want to go... but the matter is my mid sem test will be at the end of May or the early week of June. I have to study 2 weeks before my exam. Can I abandon my study to go on a holiday? I really need one badly and I think I deserve one too. I wanna get out of Singapore.
Sigh.... once again.. I am stuck between choices...
Today wasn't a good day for me. Partly because none of my friends message me to prank me. haha.
I went to suntec city with my family today. I saw the fountain of wealth........ and I recalled the last day where I hugged Lovely. It's also the day where both of us cried.... those happy memories... I will never forget them. :)
Went to Carrefour and I saw champagne. Finally found it.... but the sad thing is that I didn't buy it. lol...
I feel very uneasy today. That's because everywhere I go, I see couples holding hand.... couples hugging.... then when I look at myself... I smiled... because I can no longer do all these anymore. I am single with no crush now. It's a feeling I hate but it's a fact I have to accept.
My sister is going to Taiwan on 22nd May. She asked my mum to go with her and my mum asked me if I wanna go.
Sigh... I really want to go... but the matter is my mid sem test will be at the end of May or the early week of June. I have to study 2 weeks before my exam. Can I abandon my study to go on a holiday? I really need one badly and I think I deserve one too. I wanna get out of Singapore.
Sigh.... once again.. I am stuck between choices...
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